Budget FAQs
FY22 Budget FAQ's
What new programs or initiatives are included in this budget proposal?
This is a very exciting budget proposal as it includes significant investments in environmental sustainability, promoting racial equity, attracting a diverse workforce, economic development, and moving the four building projects to the next phase. This is discussed in greater detail in the Executive Summary on page 3 of the full budget book.
What programming reductions are being proposed?
No programming reductions are proposed for FY 22. There is a reduction of two vacant positions in the Police Department budget. These positions are being reallocated to Social Services for the creation of a community responder program.
How does this budget proposal affect my property taxes?
This proposal operates within the allowable 2.5% increase to the tax levy. It does not require an override which is an increase above and beyond the normal amount. The exact tax rate will not be determined until the end of the calendar year and is dependent upon additional factors such as new development in Town.
How can I get involved and/or voice my opinion on this budget proposal?
There are multiple ways to get involved. First, you may want to check the budget calendar which can be found here. This outlines when different departments will be reviewed by Finance Committee. The Finance Committee will hold a formal public hearing on the entire budget on May 17th. You may want to attend one of these meetings and share your thoughts. Other ways include visiting the Town’s website EngageAmherst to submit questions that will be responded to in a timely fashion or participating in other public events that will be posted on the Town wide calendar related to the budget. You can also always email the Town Council at towncouncil@amherstma.gov or the Town Manager at townmanager@amherstma.gov.
When will the budget be discussed at a public meeting?
The budget proposal is being presented to the Town Council on May 3rd. Other important dates can be found on the budget calendar.
How do I proposed a project for funding?
The Town accepts capital project proposals from residents. The window for submitting requests is closed for this year but will open up again in the Fall. The Town Manager is open to suggestions and proposals throughout the year.
What happens to unspent funds in the budget?
Unspent funds move to Town reserves at year end.